§22-351. Verified application – Order – Authority of district attorney

May 14, 2021 | Criminal Procedure, Oklahoma

A. 1. Whenever the Attorney General considers it to be in the public interest to convene a grand jury with jurisdiction extending beyond the boundaries of a single county, he or she shall file a verified application with the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court, or with such Justice of the Supreme Court as is designated by rule to receive such application.

2. The application shall:

a.state that in the judgment of the Attorney General, the convening of a multicounty grand jury is necessary because of organized crime or public corruption, or both, involving more than one county of the state and that, in the judgment of the Attorney General, the investigation cannot be adequately performed by a county grand jury, and

b.specify those counties for which the multicounty grand jury is to be convened.

3. The Supreme Court, within fifteen (15) days, shall determine whether or not to issue an order convening the multicounty grand jury. If an order is issued convening said jury, the purpose or purposes shall be set forth in such order.

B. An order granting the convening of a multicounty grand jury issued under subsection A of this section shall:

1. Convene a multicounty grand jury having jurisdiction over any subject matter listed in Section 353 of this title which occurs in any single county or in multiple counties of this state approved by the Supreme Court and requested in the application by the Attorney General;

2. Designate a district court judge to be the presiding judge over such multicounty grand jury and provide that such judge shall, with respect to investigations, indictments, reports, and all other proper activities of said multicounty grand jury, have jurisdiction over all counties in the jurisdiction of said multicounty grand jury; and

3. Provide for such other incidental arrangements as may be necessary, including a determination of the share of costs attributable to the state.

C. The impaneling of a multicounty grand jury shall not be construed to diminish the responsibility or the authority of any district attorneys within their respective jurisdictions to investigate and prosecute organized crime or public corruption, or any other crime.

Added by Laws 1987, c. 99, § 2, eff. Nov. 1, 1987. Amended by Laws 2003, c. 388, § 1, eff. Nov. 1, 2003.