§22-562. Change of venue – Proceedings – Costs and expenses

May 14, 2021 | Criminal Procedure, Oklahoma

A. The order of removal from the county must be entered upon the minutes and the court clerk must thereupon make out, and within ten (10) days transmit to the county to which the action is removed, a certified copy of the order of removal and the record, and shall transmit the pleadings including the undertaking for the appearance of the defendant, and of the witnesses, and the cause must be docketed and stand for trial within six (6) months from the date the cause was ordered removed.

B. If an order of removal is entered, all expenses incurred as a result of the action prior to the date of the order of removal shall be taxed as costs and shall remain payable to the court fund of the county from which the action was removed.

C. Except as otherwise provided by this section, the court fund of the county from which the action is removed shall be liable for the expense and charge of removing, delivering and keeping the prisoner, and the fees of jurors and witnesses in attendance during the trial, court reporter’s fees, all fees and mileage of the sheriff, and the per diem of bailiffs during the time said cause is on trial, and such other expenses as may be lawfully incurred incident to the trial, which costs and expenses shall be approved by the Court Administrator of the Supreme Court of the State of Oklahoma and certified by the clerk of the court to which the action was transferred to the court clerk of the county from which the cause was removed and shall show the name of each person and the amount due to him.

D. On receipt of such certificate, the clerk of the court from which the action was transferred shall draw his warrants on the court fund for the total amount of costs allowed by the transferee court, payable to the order of the court fund of the transferee court subject to the order of the person entitled thereto, and forward the same to the clerk of the court where the cause was tried, who shall deposit it in the court fund.

E. If the court fund of the county from which the action was removed does not contain sufficient revenue to make payment to the transferee court, the court clerk of the payor county shall notify the Administrative Director of the courts who shall make payment of any deficiency in the amount due and owing to the transferee court from the Supreme Court Revolving Fund.

F. All fees not claimed two (2) years after having been received by the clerk of the transferee court, shall by him be returned to the clerk of the transferor court to be held in the court fund for the benefit of the owner for a period of one (1) year, and, if not claimed within that time, such fees shall become the property of the court fund of the county.

R.L. 1910, § 5817. Amended by Laws 1971, c. 155, § 1, emerg. eff. May 22, 1971; Laws 1994, c. 225, § 13, eff. July 1, 1994.