§22-898. Court during jury’s retirement – Sealed verdicts – Final adjournment for term discharges jury

May 14, 2021 | Criminal Procedure, Oklahoma

While the jury are absent the court may adjourn from time to time as to other business, but it is nevertheless deemed open for any purpose connected with the cause submitted to them until verdict is rendered or the jury discharged. If the jury agree on a verdict during a temporary adjournment or recess of the court, they may, upon the direction of the court, sign the verdict by their foreman, securely seal the same in an envelope, and deliver the same to the foreman, when they may separate until the next convening of the court, at which time they shall reassemble in the jury room and return their verdict in open court, when the same proceedings shall be had as in case of other verdicts. A final adjournment of the court for the term discharges the jury.

R.L.1910, § 5917.