Section 212 – Securing jurisdiction over corporation, partnership, or other unincorporated association

May 13, 2021 | Crimianl Procedure, Louisiana

A. When a corporation, or partnership, or other association of persons not incorporated, is charged with the commission of an offense, the court before which the case is to be tried shall issue a summons stating the offense charged and ordering the defendant to appear before the court at a time and place stated in the summons.
B. The summons is served in the same manner as the citation of a corporation, or partnership, or other association of persons not incorporated, in a civil action.
C. If the corporation, or partnership, or other association of persons not incorporated, fails to appear as ordered, a plea of not guilty shall be entered by the court. Without further process, the trial shall be held and the court shall proceed to judgment and sentence as though the defendant had appeared.

La. Cr.P. ยง 212