Section 93-17-31 – Clerks to keep separate index, docket and minute books

May 13, 2021 | Family Law, Mississippi

The several chancery clerks shall obtain and keep a separate, confidential index showing the true name of the child adopted, the true name of its natural parent, or parents, if known, and the true name of the persons adopting the child and the date of the decree of adoption, and the name under which the child was adopted, or the name given the child by the adoption proceedings and a cross index shall be kept showing the said true name and the name given the child in the adoption decree, and which index shall be subject to the provisions of Section 93-17-25 as to same being kept in confidence and such index shall not be examined by any person, except officers of the court including attorneys, except upon order of the court, on good cause shown, in which the proceeding was had. The reports shall be filed only if so ordered by the chancellor. The several chancery clerks shall obtain and keep a separate docket and minute book of convenient size which shall be subject to provisions of Sections 93-17-25 through 93-17-31 and in which, from July 1, 1955, all entries concerning adoption shall be made.

Miss. Code § 93-17-31

Codes, 1942, § 1269-07; Laws, 1955, Ex. ch. 34, § 7, eff. 7/1/1955.