(1) After a hearing the court may appoint a guardian for a minor, dismiss the proceeding, or take other appropriate action consistent with this chapter or law of this state other than this chapter.(2) In appointing a guardian under subsection (1), the following apply:
(a) The court shall appoint a person nominated as guardian by a parent of the minor in a will or other record unless the court finds the appointment is contrary to the best interest of the minor.(b) If multiple parents have nominated different persons to serve as guardian, the court shall appoint the nominee whose appointment is in the best interest of the minor, unless the court finds that appointment of none of the nominees is in the best interest of the minor.(c) If a guardian is not appointed under paragraph (a) or (b), the court shall appoint the person nominated by the minor if the minor is fourteen (14) years of age or older unless the court finds that appointment is contrary to the best interest of the minor. In that case, the court shall appoint as guardian a person whose appointment is in the best interest of the minor.(3) In the interest of maintaining or encouraging involvement by a minor’s parent in the minor’s life, developing self-reliance of the minor, or for other good cause, the court, at the time of appointment of a guardian for the minor or later, on its own or on motion of the minor or other interested person, may create a limited guardianship by limiting the powers otherwise granted by this article to the guardian. Following the same procedure, the court may grant additional powers or withdraw powers previously granted.(4) The court, as part of an order appointing a guardian for a minor, shall state rights retained by any parent of the minor, which may include contact or visitation with the minor, decision-making regarding the minor’s health care, education, or other matter, or access to a record regarding the minor.(5) An order granting a guardianship for a minor must state that each parent of the minor is entitled to notice that:
(a) The location of the minor’s residency has changed;(b) The court has modified or limited the powers of the guardian; or(c) The court has removed the guardian.