Rule 81.09 – Appeals Shall Stay Execution, in What Cases-Bond

May 13, 2021 | Civil Procedure, Missouri

(a) Stay of Execution-Supersedeas Bond. Appeals shall stay the execution in the following cases: (1) when the appellant shall be an executor or administrator, personal representative, conservator, guardian, or curator, and the action shall be by or against the appellant as such, or when the appellant shall be a county, city, town, township, school district, or other municipality; (2) when the appellant, at or prior to the time of filing notice of appeal, presents to the court for its approval a supersedeas bond which shall have such surety or sureties as the court requires. The court may also at or prior to the time of filing notice of appeal, by order of record, fix the amount of the supersedeas bond and allow appellant reasonable time, not exceeding thirty days, from the date of the order to file the same subject to the approval of the court or clerk, and such appeal bond, approved by the court or clerk and filed within the time specified in such order, shall have the effect of staying the execution thereafter. If any execution shall have been taken prior to the filing of the bond as so approved by the court or clerk, the same shall be released. Appellant shall file a copy of a proper appeal bond, including complete current addresses, with the clerk of the appellate court within ten days after filing the appeal bond.
(b) Form of Bond-Amount. The bond shall be conditioned for the satisfaction of the judgment in full together with costs, interest, and damages for delay, if for any reason the appeal is dismissed or if the judgment is affirmed, and to satisfy in full such modification of the judgment and such costs, interest, and damages as the appellate court may adjudge and award. When the judgment is for the recovery of money not otherwise secured, the amount of the bond shall be fixed at such sum as will cover the whole amount of the judgment remaining unsatisfied, costs on the appeal, interest, and damages for delay, unless the court after notice and hearing and for good cause shown fixes a different amount or orders security other than the bond. When the judgment determines the disposition of the property in controversy as in real actions, replevin, and actions to foreclose mortgages, or when such property is in the custody of the sheriff, or when the proceeds of such property or a bond for its value is in the custody or control of the court, the amount of the supersedeas bond shall be fixed at such sum only as will secure the amount recovered for the use and detention of the property, the costs of the action, costs on appeal, interest, and damages for delay. The bond will indicate the addresses of the sureties.
(c) Application to the Appellate Court. Any party who believes that the bond or the security is inadequate or excessive may file an application in the court in which the appeal is pending stating the grounds for the application and the relief sought. If the court finds that the bond or the security is inadequate or excessive, the court shall make an order modifying the conditions of the stay of execution.

Mo. R. Civ. P. 81.09

Adopted June 13, 1979, eff. Jan. 1, 1980. Amended July 27, 1979. Amended June 1, 1993, eff. Jan. 1, 1994.