Rule 81.21 – Parties ineligible to file documents through the electronic filing system

May 13, 2021 | Civil Procedure, Missouri

(a)Applicable Rules for Ineligible Parties. Those who are ineligible to file documents through the electronic filing system shall comply with all provisions of Rules 81 to 84 except, to the extent the requirements in this Rule 81.21 replace them for formatting and filing the documents.
(b)Format and Filing of Paper Documents – Generally. Documents filed on paper shall conform to the following provisions:

(1) Documents shall be printed on one side of paper, size 8 1/2 X 11 inches, weighing between 18 and 24 pounds to the ream;
(2) Documents shall be secured by affixing a temporary binding such as a rubber band or a binder clip but not with adhesive tape, staples, spiral binding, or edge sealing products; and
(3) Except as provided by local court rule, only the original document shall be filed in the clerk’s office.
(c)Legal File Volume Page Limit. A paper legal file volume shall not exceed 200 pages.
(d)Filing of Paper Transcript. A party who files a paper transcript shall also file the electronic medium provided by the court reporter. The reporter or transcriber shall certify that the electronic copy has been scanned for viruses and that it is virus-free. The appellate court, on motion, may make such order respecting delivery of paper copies of the transcript as may be just and equitable.
(e)Typewritten Documents. Any person unable to produce documents as provided by Rule 81.18 may file typewritten documents.

(1) A typewritten document shall:

(A) Use fixed space type not less than a ten pitch and ten characters to the inch; and
(B) Be double-spaced, except that the cover, certificate of service, and signature block may be single-spaced.
(2) If the typewritten document is a brief, it shall not exceed the following page limitations:

(A) Appellant’s brief and all briefs in a cross appeal except the reply brief, 100 pages;
(B) Respondent’s brief, 90 pages; and
(C) Reply brief, 25 pages.

Mo. R. Civ. P. 81.21

Adopted May 19, 2016, eff. Jan. 1, 2017.