Section 29-210 – Criminal identification and information; Nebraska State Patrol; duties

May 13, 2021 | Criminal Procedure, Nebraska

The Nebraska State Patrol is hereby authorized (1) to keep a complete record of all reports filed of all personal property stolen, lost, found, pledged or pawned, in any city or county of this state; (2) to provide for the installation of a proper system and file, and cause to be filed therein cards containing an outline of the methods of operation employed by criminals; (3) to use any system of identification it deems advisable, or that may be adopted in any of the penal institutions of the state; (4) to keep a record consisting of duplicates of measurements, processes, operations, plates, photographs, measurements and descriptions of all persons confined in penal institutions of this state; (5) to procure and maintain, so far as practicable, plates, photographs, descriptions and information concerning all persons who shall hereafter be convicted of felony or imprisoned for violating the military, naval or criminal laws of the United States, and of well-known and habitual criminals from whatever source procurable; (6) to furnish any criminal justice agency with any information, material, records, or means of identification which may properly be disseminated and that it may desire in the proper administration of criminal justice; (7) to upgrade, when feasible, the existing law enforcement communications network; and (8) to establish and maintain an improved system or systems by which relevant information may be collected, coordinated, and made readily available to serve qualified persons or agencies concerned with the administration of criminal justice.

Neb. Rev. Stat. § 29-210

Laws 1921, c. 207, § 3, p. 739;
C.S.1922, § 9944;
C.S.1929, § 29-210;
R.S.1943, § 29-210;
Laws 1978, LB 713, § 17.

Security, Privacy, and Dissemination of Criminal History Information Act, see section 29-3501.