Form 3 – Consent to Service by Electronic Means Under Rule 5

May 14, 2021 | Civil Procedure, Nevada

The undersigned party hereby consents to service of documents by electronic means as designated below in accordance with Rule 5(b)(2)(E) of the Nevada Rules of Civil Procedure.

Party name(s):



Documents served by electronic means must be transmitted to the following person(s):



Facsimile transmission to the following facsimile number(s):



Electronic mail to the following email address(es):



Attachments to email must be in the following format(s):



Other electronic means (specify how the documents must be transmitted)





The undersigned party also acknowledges that this consent does not require service by the specified means unless the serving party elects to serve by that means.

Dated this_________day of______________, 20_____.


Attorney for Consenting Party or Consenting Party

Address: _________________________________

Telephone: ________________________________

Fax number: ______________________________

Email address: ____________________________

Amended effective March 1, 2019.