Section 125.030 – Complaint may state cause in words of statute; either party may demand bill of particulars

May 14, 2021 | Family Law, Nevada

1. In actions for divorce the complaint of the plaintiff or the cross-claim or counterclaim of the defendant may state the cause or causes for divorce upon which the party or parties rely, in the words of the statute. In such case either party, after appearance of the defendant and upon 5 days’ written demand therefor, shall have a bill of particulars stating in detail the facts, dates, times and occasions upon which the plaintiff or the defendant relies for cause of action, and either party may, upon motion, be required to furnish in writing a further bill of particulars upon good cause shown.
2. Such bill or bills of particulars need not be filed, but if filed may be withdrawn upon the written consent of the parties.

NRS 125.030

[Part 22:33:1861; A 1875, 63; 1913, 10 [Ch. 86]; 1913, 159 [Ch. 116]; 1915, 26 [Ch. 1]; 1921, 2 [Ch. 1]; 1921, 385 [Ch. 245]; 1923, 389 [Ch. 214]; 1927, 126 [Ch. 95]; 1931, 161 [Ch. 92]; 1931 NCL § 9460] + [2:222:1931; 1931 NCL § 9467.04]
[Part 22:33:1861; A 1875, 63; 1913, 10; 1913, 159; 1915, 26; 1921, 2; 1921, 385; 1923, 389; 1927, 126; 1931, 161; 1931 NCL § 9460] + [2:222:1931; 1931 NCL § 9467.04 ]