Section 125.155 – Pension or retirement benefit provided by Public Employees’ Retirement System or Judicial Retirement Plan: Determination of value of interest or entitlement; disposition; termination of obligation to pay

May 14, 2021 | Family Law, Nevada

Unless the action is contrary to a premarital agreement between the parties which is enforceable pursuant to chapter 123A of NRS or is prohibited by specific statute:

1. In determining the value of an interest in or entitlement to a pension or retirement benefit provided by the Public Employees’ Retirement System pursuant to chapter 286 of NRS or the Judicial Retirement Plan established pursuant to NRS 1A.300, the court:

(a) Shall base its determination upon the number of years or portion thereof that the contributing party was employed and received the interest or entitlement, beginning on the date of the marriage and ending on the date on which a decree of legal separation or divorce is entered; and
(b) Shall not base its determination upon any estimated increase in the value of the interest or entitlement resulting from a promotion, raise or any other efforts made by the party who contributed to the interest or entitlement as a result of his or her continued employment after the date of a decree of legal separation or divorce.
2. The court may, in making a disposition of a pension or retirement benefit provided by the Public Employees’ Retirement System or the Judicial Retirement Plan, order that the benefit not be paid before the date on which the participating party retires. To ensure that the party who is not a participant will receive payment for the benefits, the court may:

(a) On its own motion or pursuant to an agreement of the parties, require the participating party to furnish a performance or surety bond, executed by the participating party as principal and by a corporation qualified under the laws of this state as surety, made payable to the party who is not a participant under the plan, and conditioned upon the payment of the pension or retirement benefits. The bond must be in a principal sum equal to the amount of the determined interest of the nonparticipating party in the pension or retirement benefits and must be in a form prescribed by the court.
(b) On its own motion or pursuant to an agreement of the parties, require the participating party to purchase a policy of life insurance. The amount payable under the policy must be equal to the determined interest of the nonparticipating party in the pension or retirement benefits. The nonparticipating party must be named as a beneficiary under the policy and must remain a named beneficiary until the participating party retires.
(c) Pursuant to an agreement of the parties, increase the value of the determined interest of the nonparticipating party in the pension or retirement benefit as compensation for the delay in payment of the benefit to that party.
(d) On its own motion or pursuant to an agreement of the parties, allow the participating party to provide any other form of security which ensures the payment of the determined interest of the nonparticipating party in the pension or retirement benefit.
3. If a party receives an interest in or an entitlement to a pension or retirement benefit which the party would not otherwise have an interest in or be entitled to if not for a disposition made pursuant to this section, the interest or entitlement and any related obligation to pay that interest or entitlement terminates upon the death of either party unless pursuant to:

(a) An agreement of the parties; or
(b) An order of the court, a party who is a participant in the Public Employees’ Retirement System or the Judicial Retirement Plan provides an alternative to an unmodified service retirement allowance pursuant to NRS 1A.450 or 286.590.

NRS 125.155

Added to NRS by 1995, 1967[Ch. 576]; A 2001 Special Session,92[Ch. 4]
Added to NRS by 1995, 1967; A 2001 Special Session, 92