Rule 2.5 – Response to Legal Action

May 14, 2021 | Family Law, New Hampshire

A. Appearance: Any party intending to participate in the case must file a written Appearance within fifteen (15) days of receipt of the Notice to Respondent.
B. Responsive Pleadings. No responsive pleading is required of the respondent, unless alimony or other affirmative relief is requested; provided, however, that the court may, as justice may require, allow a respondent to seek alimony or other affirmative relief despite the failure to file a timely responsive pleading. If the respondent chooses to file a response, with or without a cross-petition, it shall be filed in the timeframes set forth in the Clerk’s notice. A cross-petition need not be served in hand or by sheriff, but shall contain a certificate that the respondent has delivered a copy of the cross-petition to the petitioner by pre-paid mail.
C. Notice to Co-Respondent. Any person not a party to the proceedings who is accused of adultery shall be served with an attested copy of the cross-petition and orders of notice. Such service is not required if the co-respondent resides outside the state, in which case notice by regular US mail is acceptable.

N.H. R. Cir. Ct. Fam. Div. 2.5