Rule 2.24 – Contested Final hearing

May 14, 2021 | Family Law, New Hampshire

A. For final hearings which were not preceded by a pretrial conference, the parties shall, unless excused by the Court, file and exchange no later than thirty (30) days before the final hearing, the following:

(1) list of witnesses
(2) copies of all exhibits to be offered at final hearing
(3) proposed final decrees
(4) where minor children are involved, an agreed upon parenting plan on those issues to which the parties agree, proposed parenting plans for the issues not agreed upon, child support guidelines worksheets, and proposed uniform support orders.
B. In addition to the requirement for submitting documents at a pretrial conference, or in the event a pretrial conference was not held as outlined above, updated financial affidavits, or affidavits of no financial change if appropriate, shall be filed and exchanged seven days prior to the final hearing.
C. Seven (7) days prior to the final hearing, the parties shall submit jointly prepared agreements and parenting plans on all issues which are not in dispute, and a jointly filed list of personal property, indicating those items which the parties agree each may have, and those items which remain in dispute.
D. Failure to disclose the identity of a witness in accordance with these rules may preclude the party from offering the testimony of that witness at the final hearing. Failure to list and exchange an exhibit in accordance with these rules may result in the Court’s denying the admission of the exhibit.
E. The parties are expected to communicate with each other in advance of the final hearing with respect to the sharing and management of the allotted hearing time. The Court reserves the right to participate in this process by conducting a trial management conference.

N.H. R. Cir. Ct. Fam. Div. 2.24