Rule 3.6 – Conditions of Release

May 14, 2021 | Family Law, New Hampshire

In juvenile cases, the Court may place a juvenile on conditional release under the supervision of a Juvenile Probation and Parole Officer (JPPO). The terms and conditions of release, unless otherwise prescribed by the Court, shall be as follows:

(a) You shall comply with all orders of the Court.
(b) You shall be of good behavior and remain arrest free, obey all laws and cooperate with your parent(s) or custodian at all times.
(c) You shall, if under 18 years of age or until you have graduated, attend school full-time and follow all school rules.
(d) You shall attend school full-time and follow all school rules. If lawfully allowed to attend school only part-time, you shall also be lawfully employed or actively engaged in an employment plan approved by your JPPO.
(e) You shall not consume or possess alcoholic beverages or controlled drugs or any substance or thing determined to be contraband by your JPPO.
(f) You shall submit to random drug testing as ordered by the Court.
(g) You shall attend, and meaningfully participate in, all treatment and counseling as ordered by the Court.
(h) You shall not possess, transport, control or receive any weapon, explosive device, or firearm.
(i) You shall report to your JPPO at such times and places as directed by your JPPO.
(j) You shall immediately notify your JPPO of any arrest, summons, or questioning by a law enforcement officer.
(k) You shall report any change of address, telephone number, school status, or employment to your JPPO within 24 hours.
(l) You shall submit to reasonable searches as requested by your JPPO of your person, property, possessions, vehicle(s), school locker(s), bags, containers, or any other items under your custody, care, or control.
(m) You shall submit to visits by your JPPO to your residence and to examinations and searches of your room in the enforcement of your conditions of release.
(n) You shall regularly report your earnings to your JPPO and be in compliance with your specified budget as approved by your JPPO.
(o) You shall not associate with any person or be at any place in violation of Court orders or the directives of your JPPO.
(p) You shall not leave the State of New Hampshire for longer than 24 hours without advance written permission from your parent(s) or guardian or those having legal custody of you. You shall provide your JPPO with said written permission within 24 hours of receipt of said written permission.
(q) You shall also obtain a Travel Permit when required by the Interstate Compact on Juveniles and Association of Juvenile Compact Administrators (AJCA) Rules regarding out-of-state travel.
(r) You shall agree to return to the State of New Hampshire from any State in the United States or any other place voluntarily and without formality as directed by the Court or your JPPO.
(s) You shall comply with designated curfew/home restriction provisions.
(t) The Court may impose all or part of the conditions as well as other terms and conditions.

N.H. R. Cir. Ct. Fam. Div. 3.6