Rule 11.1 – Original Nominations

May 14, 2021 | Family Law, New Hampshire

(a) When a marital master position is to be filled, the Administrative Judge shall form a committee to evaluate each applicant in the manner it deems appropriate and which shall make a recommendation to the Administrative Judge of the Judicial Branch Family Division who shall determine, with the concurrence of the supreme court, the candidate(s) to be submitted to the Governor and Council for appointment.
(b) Term of Appointment and Conditions: The original term of appointment by Governor and Council shall be three years pursuant to RSA 490-B:7, III. Thereafter, the term of office shall be five years. The Administrative Judge of the Family Division may, at any time, consider and act on any grievance or complaint concerning a marital master and take whatever action is appropriate, including termination. Marital masters shall be bound by the Canons of the Code of Judicial Conduct and serve at the pleasure of the Administrative Judge of the Family Division.

N.H. R. Cir. Ct. Fam. Div. 11.1