Section 127.053 – Consent to adoption: Requisites

May 14, 2021 | Family Law, Nevada

No consent to a specific adoption executed in this State, or executed outside this State for use in this State, is valid unless it:

1. Identifies the child to be adopted by name, if any, sex and date of birth.
2. Is in writing and signed by the person consenting to the adoption as required in this chapter.
3. Is acknowledged by the person consenting and signing the consent to adoption in the manner and form required for conveyances of real property.
4. Contains, at the time of execution, the name of the person or persons to whom consent to adopt the child is given.
5. Is attested by at least two competent, disinterested witnesses who subscribe their names to the consent in the presence of the person consenting. If neither the petitioner nor the spouse of a petitioner is related to the child within the third degree of consanguinity, then one of the witnesses must be a social worker employed by:

(a) An agency which provides child welfare services;
(b) An agency licensed in this state to place children for adoption;
(c) A comparable state or county agency of another state; or
(d) An agency authorized under the laws of another state to place children for adoption, if the natural parent resides in that state.

NRS 127.053

Added to NRS by 1961, 736 [Ch. 366]; A 1973, 1588 [Ch. 756]; 1987, 2050 [Ch. 773]; 1991, 948 [Ch. 363]; 1993, 204 [Ch. 115], 2681 [Ch. 640], 2731 [Ch. 640]; 2001 Special Session, 3 [Ch. 1]
Added to NRS by 1961, 736; A 1973, 1588; 1987, 2050; 1991, 948; 1993, 204, 2681, 2731; 2001 Special Session, 3