Rule 39 – Settlements

May 14, 2021 | Civil Procedure, New Hampshire

(a) Whenever an attorney, non-attorney representative or self-represented party states orally or in writing to the court that a particular case has been settled and that agreements will be filed, the court shall forthwith notify by mail or through electronic delivery the parties of record or their representatives of such statement, and, if the agreements and/or docket markings are not filed within thirty days after the date of mailing or electronic delivery of such notice, the court shall take such action as justice may require.
(b) In order that the court may seasonably make up and complete the court’s record, the parties shall seasonably file all papers and documents necessary to make up and enter the judgment and to complete the record of the case and no execution shall issue, or final order or decree be entered, until such papers are filed.

N.H. R. Super. Ct. 39

Amended Sept. 24, 2013, eff. Oct. 1, 2013; amended by Order dated July 13, 2018, eff. as of the date set forth in a subsequent order of this court implementing electronic filing in the superior court.