Section 3107.09 – Taking social and medical histories of biological parents

May 14, 2021 | Family Law, Ohio

(A) The department of job and family services shall prescribe and supply forms for the taking of social and medical histories of the biological parents of a minor available for adoption.
(B) An assessor shall record the social and medical histories of the biological parents of a minor available for adoption, unless the minor is to be adopted by the minor’s stepparent or grandparent. The assessor shall use the forms prescribed pursuant to division (A) of this section. The assessor shall not include on the forms identifying information about the biological parents or other ancestors of the minor.
(C) A social history shall describe and identify the age; ethnic, racial, religious, marital, and physical characteristics; and educational, cultural, talent and hobby, and work experience background of the biological parents of the minor. A medical history shall identify major diseases, malformations, allergies, ear or eye defects, major conditions, and major health problems of the biological parents that are or may be congenital or familial. These histories may include other social and medical information relative to the biological parents and shall include social and medical information relative to the minor’s other ancestors.

The social and medical histories may be obtained through interviews with the biological parents or other persons and from any available records if a biological parent or any legal guardian of a biological parent consents to the release of information contained in a record. An assessor who considers it necessary may request that a biological parent undergo a medical examination. In obtaining social and medical histories of a biological parent, an assessor shall inform the biological parent, or a person other than a biological parent who provides information pursuant to this section, of the purpose and use of the histories and of the biological parent’s or other person’s right to correct or expand the histories at any time.

(D) A biological parent, or another person who provided information in the preparation of the social and medical histories of the biological parents of a minor, may cause the histories to be corrected or expanded to include different or additional types of information. The biological parent or other person may cause the histories to be corrected or expanded at any time prior or subsequent to the adoption of the minor, including any time after the minor becomes an adult. A biological parent may cause the histories to be corrected or expanded even if the biological parent did not provide any information to the assessor at the time the histories were prepared.

To cause the histories to be corrected or expanded, a biological parent or other person who provided information shall provide the information to be included or specify the information to be corrected to whichever of the following is appropriate under the circumstances:

(1) Subject to divisions (D)(2) and (3) of this section, to the assessor who prepared the histories if the biological parent or other person knows the assessor ;
(2)Subject to division (D)(3) of this section, to the court involved in the adoption or, if that court is not known, to the department of health, if the biological parent or person does not know the assessor or finds that the assessor has ceased to perform assessments;
(3) To the department of health, if the histories were originally completed by the biological parent pursuant to section 3107.393 of the Revised Code or, regardless of whether the histories were originally completed pursuant to this section or section 3107.091 or 3107.393 of the Revised Code, the biological parent seeks to correct or expand the histories at the same time the biological parent completes a contact preference form pursuant to section 3107.39 of the Revised Code or a biological parent’s name redaction request form pursuant to section 3107.391 of the Revised Code.

An assessor who receives information from a biological parent or other person pursuant to division (D)(1) of this section shall determine whether the information is of a type that divisions (B) and (C) of this section permit to be included in the histories. If the assessor determines the information is of a permissible type, the assessor shall cause the histories to be corrected or expanded to reflect the information. If, at the time the information is received, the histories have been filed with the court as required by division (E) of this section, the court shall cooperate with the assessor in correcting or expanding the histories.

If the department of health or a court receives information from a biological parent or other person pursuant to division (D)(2) of this section or the department receives information from a biological parent pursuant to division (D)(3) of this section, it shall determine whether the information is of a type that divisions (B) and (C) of this section permit to be included in the histories. If a court determines the information is of a permissible type, the court shall cause the histories to be corrected or expanded to reflect the information. If the department of health so determines, the court involved shall cooperate with the department in the correcting or expanding of the histories.

An assessor or the department of health shall notify a biological parent or other person in writing if the assessor or department determines that information the biological parent or other person provided or specified for inclusion in a history is not of a type that may be included in a history. On receipt of the notice, the biological parent or other person may petition the court involved in the adoption to make a finding as to whether the information is of a type that may be included in a history. On receipt of the petition, the court shall issue its finding without holding a hearing. If the court finds that the information is of a type that may be included in a history, it shall cause the history to be corrected or expanded to reflect the information.

(E) An assessor shall file the social and medical histories of the biological parents prepared pursuant to divisions (B) and (C) of this section with the court with which a petition to adopt the biological parents’ child is filed. The court promptly shall provide a copy of the social and medical histories filed with it to the petitioner. In a case involving the adoption of a minor by any person other than the minor’s stepparent or grandparent, a court may refuse to issue an interlocutory order or final decree of adoption if the histories of the biological parents have not been so filed, unless the assessor certifies to the court that information needed to prepare the histories is unavailable for reasons beyond the assessor’s control.

R.C. § 3107.09

Amended by 130th General Assembly File No. 56, SB 23,§1, eff. 3/20/2015.
Effective Date: 07-01-2000 .