Rule 9 – Warrant or Summons Upon Indictment or Information

May 14, 2021 | Criminal Procedure, Ohio

(A) Issuance. Upon the request of the prosecuting attorney the clerk shall forthwith issue a warrant for each defendant named in the indictment or in the information. The clerk shall issue a summons instead of a warrant where the defendant has been released pursuant to Rule 46 and is indicted for the same offense for which he was bound over pursuant to Rule 5. In addition, the clerk shall issue a summons instead of a warrant upon the request of the prosecuting attorney or by direction of the court.

Upon like request or direction, the clerk shall issue more than one warrant or summons for the same defendant. He shall deliver the warrant or summons to any officer authorized by law to execute or serve it. If a defendant fails to appear in response to summons, a warrant shall issue.

(B) Form of warrant and summons.

(1) Warrant. The form of the warrant shall be as provided in Rule 4(C)(1) except that it shall be signed by the court or clerk. It shall describe the offense charged in the indictment or information. A copy of the indictment or information shall be attached to the warrant which shall command that the defendant be arrested and brought before the court issuing the warrant without unnecessary delay.
(2) Summons. The summons shall be in the same form as the warrant, except that it shall not command that the defendant be arrested, but shall order the defendant to appear before the court at a stated time and place and inform him that he may be arrested if he fails to appear at the time and place stated in the summons. A copy of the indictment or information shall be attached to the summons.
(C) Execution or service; return.

(1) Execution or service. Warrants shall be executed or summons served as provided in Rule 4(D) and the arrested person shall be treated in accordance with Rule 4(E)(1).
(2) Return. The officer executing a warrant shall make return thereof to the court.

When the person serving summons is unable to serve a copy of the summons within twenty-eight days of the date of issuance, he shall endorse that fact and the reasons therefor on the summons and return the summons, and copies to the clerk, who shall make the appropriate entry on the appearance docket.

At the request of the prosecuting attorney made at any time while the indictment or information is pending, a warrant returned unexecuted and not canceled, or a summons returned unserved, or a copy thereof, may be delivered by the clerk to the sheriff or other authorized person for execution or service.

Ohio. Crim. R. 9

Effective:July 1, 1973; amended effective July 1, 1975.