Rule 27 – Minor or Incapacitated Parties

May 14, 2021 | Civil Procedure, Oregon

(A) Appearance of parties by guardian or conservator. When a person who has a conservator of that person’s estate or a guardian is a party to any action, the person shall appear by the conservator or guardian as may be appropriate or, if the court so orders, by a guardian ad litem appointed by the court in which the action is brought. The appointment of a guardian ad litem shall be pursuant to this rule unless the appointment is made on the court’s motion or a statute provides for a procedure that varies from the procedure specified in this rule.
(B) Appointment of guardian ad litem for minors; incapacitated or financially incapable parties. When a minor or a person who is incapacitated or financially incapable, as those terms are defined in ORS 125.005, is a party to an action and does not have a guardian or conservator, the person shall appear by a guardian ad litem appointed by the court in which the action is brought and pursuant to this rule, as follows:

(1) when the plaintiff or petitioner is a minor:

(a) if the minor is 14 years of age or older, upon application of the minor; or
(b) if the minor is under 14 years of age, upon application of a relative or friend of the minor, or other interested person;
(2) when the defendant or respondent is a minor:

(a) if the minor is 14 years of age or older, upon application of the minor filed within the period of time specified by these rules or any other rule or statute for appearance and answer after service of a summons; or
(b) if the minor fails so to apply or is under 14 years of age, upon application of any other party or of a relative or friend of the minor, or other interested person;
(3) when the plaintiff or petitioner is a person who is incapacitated or financially incapable, as those terms are defined in ORS 125.005, upon application of a relative or friend of the person, or other interested person; or
(4) when the defendant or respondent is a person who is incapacitated or is financially incapable, as those terms are defined in ORS 125.005, upon application of a relative or friend of the person, or other interested person, filed within the period of time specified by these rules or any other rule or statute for appearance and answer after service of a summons or, if the application is not so filed, upon application of any party other than the person.
(C) Discretionary appointment of guardian ad litem for a party with a disability. When a person with a disability, as defined in ORS 124.005, is a party to an action, the person may appear by a guardian ad litem appointed by the court in which the action is brought and pursuant to this rule upon motion and one or more supporting affidavits or declarations establishing that the appointment would assist the person in prosecuting or defending the action.
(D) Method of seeking appointment of guardian ad litem. A person seeking appointment of a guardian ad litem shall do so by filing a motion and seeking an order in the proceeding in which the guardian ad litem is sought. The motion shall be supported by one or more affidavits or declarations that contain facts sufficient to prove by a preponderance of the evidence that the party on whose behalf the motion is filed is a minor, is incapacitated or is financially incapable, as those terms are defined in ORS 125.005, or is a person with a disability, as defined in ORS 124.005. The court may appoint a suitable person as a guardian ad litem before notice is given pursuant to section E of this rule; however, the appointment shall be reviewed by the court if an objection is received as specified in subsection F(2) or F(3) of this rule.
(E) Notice of motion seeking appointment of guardian ad litem. Unless waived under section H of this rule, no later than 7 days after filing the motion for appointment of a guardian ad litem, the person filing the motion must provide notice as set forth in this section, or as provided in a modification of the notice requirements as set forth in section H of this rule. Notice shall be provided by mailing to the address of each person or entity listed below, by first class mail, a true copy of the motion, any supporting affidavits or declarations, and the form of notice prescribed in section F of this rule.

(1) If the party is a minor, notice shall be provided to the minor if the minor is 14 years of age or older; to the parents of the minor; to the person or persons having custody of the minor; to the person who has exercised principal responsibility for the care and custody of the minor during the 60-day period before the filing of the motion; and, if the minor has no living parents, to any person nominated to act as a fiduciary for the minor in a will or other written instrument prepared by a parent of the minor.
(2) If the party is 18 years of age or older, notice shall be given:

(a) to the person;
(b) to the spouse, parents, and adult children of the person;
(c) if the person does not have a spouse, parent, or adult child, to the person or persons most closely related to the person;
(d) to any person who is cohabiting with the person and who is interested in the affairs or welfare of the person;
(e) to any person who has been nominated as fiduciary or appointed to act as fiduciary for the person by a court of any state, any trustee for a trust established by or for the person, any person appointed as a health care representative under the provisions of ORS 127.505 to 127.660, and any person acting as attorney-in-fact for the person under a power of attorney;
(f) if the person is receiving moneys paid or payable by the United States through the Department of Veterans Affairs, to a representative of the United States Department of Veterans Affairs regional office that has responsibility for the payments to the person;
(g) if the person is receiving moneys paid or payable for public assistance provided under ORS chapter 411 by the State of Oregon through the Department of Human Services, to a representative of the department;
(h) if the person is receiving moneys paid or payable for medical assistance provided under ORS chapter 414 by the State of Oregon through the Oregon Health Authority, to a representative of the authority;
(i) if the person is committed to the legal and physical custody of the Department of Corrections, to the Attorney General and the superintendent or other officer in charge of the facility in which the person is confined;
(j) if the person is a foreign national, to the consulate for the person’s country; and E(2)(k) to any other person that the court requires.
(F) Contents of notice. The notice shall contain:

(1) the name, address, and telephone number of the person making the motion, and the relationship of the person making the motion to the person for whom a guardian ad litem is sought;
(2) a statement indicating that objections to the appointment of the guardian ad litem must be filed in the proceeding no later than 14 days from the date of the notice; and
(3) a statement indicating that the person for whom the guardian ad litem is sought may object in writing to the clerk of the court in which the matter is pending and stating the desire to object.
(G)Hearing. As soon as practicable after any objection is filed, the court shall hold a hearing at which the court will determine the merits of the objection and make any order that is appropriate.
(H)Waiver or modification of notice. For good cause shown, the court may waive notice entirely or make any other order regarding notice that is just and proper in the circumstances.
(I)Settlement. Except as permitted by ORS 126.725, in cases where settlement of the action will result in the receipt of property or money by a party for whom a guardian ad litem was appointed under section B of this rule, court approval of any settlement must be sought and obtained by a conservator unless the court, for good cause shown and on any terms that the court may require, expressly authorizes the guardian ad litem to enter into a settlement agreement.

Or. R. Civ. P. 27

CCP 12/2/78; amended by 1979 c.284 § 19; §B amended by CCP 12/15/90; §B amended by 1995 c. 79, § 403 and 1995 c.664 § 100; last amended December 3, 2016, effective January 1, 2018.