Section 131.725 – Exclusion from public property

May 14, 2021 | Criminal Procedure, Oregon

(1) During the emergency period proclaimed by the Governor under ORS 131.715, the public official shall order excluded from the public property described in the proclamation such persons who in the judgment of the public official are contributing to or aggravating the danger which the Governor has proclaimed to exist.
(2) After informing the person ordered removed or excluded from the public property of the proclamation and order, the police shall remove or exclude such person from such public property.
(3) Any person who, having been ordered excluded or removed from any public property, knowingly enters thereon or who remains on such property during an emergency period proclaimed by the Governor under ORS 131.715 and who refuses to leave such property upon request by the police, commits a Class A misdemeanor.

ORS 131.725

Formerly 145.630