Rule 237.1 – Notice of Praecipe for Entry of Judgment of Non Pros for Failure to File Complaint or by Default for Failure to Plead

May 14, 2021 | Civil Procedure, Pennsylvania


(1) As used in this rule,

“judgment of non pros” means a judgment entered by praecipe pursuant to Rules 1037(a) and 1659;

“judgment by default” means a judgment entered by praecipe pursuant to Rules 1037(b), 1511(a), 3031(a) and 3146(a).

(2) No judgment of non pros for failure to file a complaint or by default for failure to plead shall be entered by the prothonotary unless the praecipe for entry includes a certification that a written notice of intention to file the praecipe was mailed or delivered

(i) in the case of a judgment of non pros, after the failure to file a complaint and at least ten days prior to the date of the filing of the praecipe to the party’s attorney of record or to the party if unrepresented, or
(ii) in the case of a judgment by default, after the failure to plead to a complaint and at least ten days prior to the date of the filing of the praecipe to the party against whom judgment is to be entered and to the party’s attorney of record, if any.

The ten-day notice period in subdivision (a)(2)(i) and (ii) shall be calculated forward from the date of the mailing or delivery, in accordance with Rule 106.

(3) A copy of the notice shall be attached to the praecipe.
(4) The notice and certification required by this rule may not be waived.
(b) This rule does not apply to a judgment entered

(1) by an order of court,
(2) upon praecipe pursuant to an order of court, or
(3) pursuant to a rule to show cause.

231 Pa. Code ยง 237.1