Rule 2.3 – Automatic Continuance Where Session Cancelled.

May 14, 2021 | Family Law, Rhode Island, Rules of Practice

If for any reason sessions of the Family Court in any County are cancelled, unless otherwise ordered by the court or the parties otherwise stipulate with the court’s approval, all matters shall automatically be continued for four (4) weeks and all outstanding orders which would by their own terms have expired on the day such session was cancelled shall automatically be continued in full force and effect for the same period. The clerk shall note in the docket of each case the fact of the cancellation of such session.

If the court decides to reschedule such matters in a manner different from the procedure established in the previous paragraph, the court will promulgate an administrative order to that effect and post the order on the Rhode Island Judiciary’s website at

R.I. Family Court R.P. 2.3