Rule 1329 – Civil Action to Compel Arbitration. Motion to Confirm Arbitration Award as Ancillary to a Civil Action

May 14, 2021 | Civil Procedure, Pennsylvania


(1) A plaintiff seeking to compel arbitration of a claim shall commence a civil action against the defendant. Except as otherwise provided by this rule, the procedure in the action shall be in accordance with the rules governing a civil action, including service of original process and venue.
(2) The complaint shall include an allegation that the claims raised in the complaint are subject to an agreement to submit these claims to arbitration.
(b) If the defendant fails to file a responsive pleading, the plaintiff may obtain a default judgment pursuant to Rules 237.1 and 1037.

(1) If the defendant files an answer admitting that the claims are subject to arbitration, either party, within twenty days, may file a praecipe directing the prothonotary to enter on the docket a stay of proceedings pending arbitration.
(2) If the defendant files either preliminary objections or an answer denying that the claims are subject to arbitration, the plaintiff may within twenty days file a motion for a rule to show cause why arbitration should not be compelled. Except as otherwise provided by subdivision (d), the motion shall be governed by Rule 208.1 et seq.

(1) The motion for a rule to show cause why arbitration should not be compelled shall begin with a notice substantially in the form prescribed by Rule 1330 and shall be served pursuant to Rule 440. In the absence of a court order otherwise, the timely filing of the motion stays proceedings pending resolution of the motion.
(2) A defendant shall file an answer to the motion within twenty days after service of the motion. The answer shall set forth all of the defendant’s objections to the arbitration including absence of a valid agreement to arbitrate the claims, lack of jurisdiction over the person of the defendant, improper venue or improper service of original process.
(3) If the defendant does not file an answer to the motion, the plaintiff, after the answer was due, may file a praecipe directing the prothonotary to enter on the docket a stay of proceedings pending arbitration.
(4) If the defendant files an answer, the motion shall be decided pursuant to the court’s procedures for deciding motions. If the court grants the motion to compel arbitration, the court shall enter an order compelling the parties to proceed with arbitration and staying proceedings pending arbitration.

(1) Any party may file a motion to confirm an arbitration award entered following a court order or docket entry staying proceedings pending arbitration. The motion to confirm shall be filed as an ancillary proceeding to the pending civil action.
(2) The motion shall begin with a notice substantially in the form prescribed by Rule 1331 and shall be served pursuant to Rule 440.
(3) A responding party who opposes the motion shall file an answer to the motion within thirty days after service of the motion.
(4) If the responding party does not file an answer, the prothonotary, upon praecipe of the moving party filed after the answer was due, shall enter judgment upon the arbitration award.
(5) If the responding party files an answer, the motion shall be decided pursuant to the court’s procedures for deciding motions.

231 Pa. Code ยง 1329