Rule 26.1 – Disclosure and Discovery in Domestic Relations Actions

May 14, 2021 | Civil Procedure, Utah

(a) Scope. This rule applies to the following domestic relations actions: divorce; temporary separation; separate maintenance; parentage; custody; child support; and modification. This rule does not apply to adoptions, enforcement of prior orders, cohabitant abuse protective orders, child protective orders, civil stalking injunctions, or grandparent visitation.
(b) Time for disclosure. In addition to the disclosures required in Rule 26, in all domestic relations actions, the documents required in this rule must be served on the other parties:

(b)(1) by the plaintiff within 14 days after filing of the first answer to the complaint; and
(b)(2) by the defendant within 42 days after filing of the first answer to the complaint or within 28 days after that defendant’s appearance, whichever is later.
(c) Financial declaration. Each party must disclose to all other parties a fully completed court-approved Financial Declaration and attachments. Each party must attach to the Financial Declaration the following:

(c)(1) For every item and amount listed in the Financial Declaration, excluding monthly expenses, copies of statements verifying the amounts listed on the Financial Declaration that are reasonably available to the party.
(c)(2) For the two tax years before the petition was filed, complete federal and state income tax returns, including Form W-2 and supporting tax schedules and attachments, filed by or on behalf of that party or by or on behalf of any entity in which the party has a majority or controlling interest, including, but not limited to, Form 1099 and Form K-1 with respect to that party.
(c)(3) Pay stubs and other evidence of all earned and un-earned income for the 12 months before the petition was filed.
(c)(4) All loan applications and financial statements prepared or used by the party within the 12 months before the petition was filed.
(c)(5) Documents verifying the value of all real estate in which the party has an interest, including, but not limited to, the most recent appraisal, tax valuation and refinance documents.
(c)(6) All statements for the 3 months before the petition was filed for all financial accounts, including, but not limited to checking, savings, money market funds, certificates of deposit, brokerage, investment, retirement, regardless of whether the account has been closed including those held in that party’s name, jointly with another person or entity, or as a trustee or guardian, or in someone else’s name on that party’s behalf.
(c)(7) If the foregoing documents are not reasonably available or are in the possession of the other party, the party disclosing the Financial Declaration must estimate the amounts entered on the Financial Declaration, the basis for the estimation and an explanation why the documents are not available.
(d) Certificate of service. Each party must file a Certificate of Service with the court certifying that he or she has provided the Financial Declaration and attachments to the other party.
(e) Exempted agencies. Agencies of the State of Utah are not subject to these disclosure requirements.
(f) Sanctions. Failure to fully disclose all assets and income in the Financial Declaration and attachments may subject the non-disclosing party to sanctions under Rule 37 including an award of non-disclosed assets to the other party, attorney’s fees or other sanctions deemed appropriate by the court.
(g) Failure to comply. Failure of a party to comply with this rule does not preclude any other party from obtaining a default judgment, proceeding with the case, or seeking other relief from the court.
(h) Notice of requirements. Notice of the requirements of this rule must be served on the Respondent and all joined parties with the initial petition.

Utah. R. Civ. P. 26.1

Amended effective November 1, 2016.

Advisory Committee Note

Rule 26.1 was developed by the Family Law Section of the Utah State Bar. It represents the type of discovery or disclosure rule that the advisory committee anticipated when drafting proposed Rule 26(a).