Section 20-6-112 – Professional, occupational or recreational license suspension; nonpayment of child support; notice and hearing

May 14, 2021 | Family Law, Wyoming

(a) The department may petition a court for an order to withhold, suspend or restrict any professional, occupational or hunting or fishing license, certificate or permit issued to an obligor who is in arrears in a child support obligation. The court may:

(i) Determine whether the obligor has a professional, occupational or recreational license, certificate or permit that is subject to withholding, suspension or restriction; and
(ii) Issue a withholding, suspension or restriction of the license, certificate or permit unless the obligor pays the entire arrearage or enters into a payment plan approved by the department.
(b) Repealed By Laws 2000, Ch. 53, ยง 2.
(c) The court, on motion of the department or on its own motion, may direct a licensing, certifying or permitting agency to withhold, suspend or restrict any license, certificate or permit and the department or the court shall send certified copies of the court order to the obligor, at the obligor’s last known address, and to the appropriate licensing, certifying or permitting agencies identified in the court order instructing that the licensing, certifying or permitting agency notify the obligor of the license, certificate or permit withholding, suspension or restriction in accordance with the licensing, certifying or permitting procedures, and that the withholding, suspension or restriction shall remain in effect until that agency is notified by the department or the court that the obligor is in compliance with the court order or has entered into a payment plan approved by the department. No hearing or appeal shall be permitted under the Wyoming Administrative Procedure Act for a license, certificate or permit withheld, suspended or restricted pursuant to a court order.
(d) If at any time an obligor has complied with the terms of the court order, or has entered into a payment plan approved by the department, the court or the department, whichever has caused notice to be initially provided, shall immediately notify the licensing, certifying or permitting agency initially notified that the withholding, suspension or restriction may be lifted and the license, certificate or permit may be reinstated if the obligor is otherwise eligible for reinstatement.
(e) Nothing in this section shall prohibit subsequent orders and notices for subsequent arrearages if the obligor is again subject to the provisions of this section.
(f) The department shall adopt rules and regulations to ensure notice is provided in an immediate and timely manner to any licensing, certifying or permitting agency that was sent a copy of the court order that an obligor is in satisfactory compliance with the court order under this section. Upon receipt of the notice, the licensing, certifying or permitting agency shall immediately reinstate the license, certificate or permit unless the license, certificate or permit was suspended or revoked for other reasons. The licensing, certifying or permitting agencies shall adopt reasonable rules and regulations to ensure such licenses, certificates or permits are immediately reinstated upon receipt of the notice.

W.S. 20-6-112