
Civil Procedure

Form 50 – Request for production of documents, etc., under rule 34

Plaintiff A. B. requests defendant C. D. to respond within _____ days to the following requests:

(1) That defendant produce and permit plaintiff to inspect and to copy each of the following documents:

[Here list the documents either individually or by category and describe each of them.]

[Here state the time, place, and manner of making the inspection and performance of any related acts.]

(2) That defendant produce and permit plaintiff to inspect and to copy, test, or sample each of the following objects:

[Here list the objects either individually or by category and describe each of them.]

[Here state the time, place and manner of making the inspection and performance of any related acts.]

(3) That defendant permit plaintiff to enter (here describe property to be entered) and to inspect and to photograph, test or sample (here describe the portion of the real property and the objects to be inspected).

[Here state the time, place and manner of making the inspection and performance of any related acts.]

[Signed]: _______________,

Attorney for Plaintiff.

Address: ___________________.

Committee Comments

This form should only be employed when the person against whom discovery is sought is a party to the action. For the proper form against a person not a party, see Form 51.