Section 46b-38tt – Dissolution, annulment or legal separation of civil union performed in foreign jurisdiction. Enforcement or modification of foreign matrimonial judgment

May 15, 2021 | Connecticut, Family Law

(a) Either party to a valid civil union performed in a foreign jurisdiction may bring an action for dissolution, annulment or legal separation of the civil union in this state, and the Superior Court may enter an order of dissolution, annulment or legal separation of the civil union.
(b) The procedures and requirements in the general statutes for the dissolution, annulment or legal separation of a marriage, whether applicable prejudgment or postjudgment, or requirements for enforcement or modification of a foreign matrimonial judgment, shall apply to the dissolution, annulment or legal separation of a civil union or enforcement or modification of a foreign civil union judgment. The substantive law in the general statutes that applies to the dissolution of a marriage, annulment or legal separation, whether applicable prejudgment or postjudgment, shall apply to the dissolution, annulment or legal separation of a valid civil union performed in a foreign jurisdiction.

Conn. Gen. Stat. ยง 46b-38tt

( P.A. 12-133, S. 31; P.A. 13-194, S. 3.)