Rule 301 – Petition Requirements

May 15, 2021 | Delaware, Family Law

(a) Every petitioner in a child support or a paternity determination action shall provide the social security number of the petitioner and the respondent to be maintained in the case file. If the respondent’s social security number is unknown to the petitioner and the petitioner is unable to obtain the respondent’s social security number prior to filing the petition, the petitioner must so indicate to the Court. Further, the petitioner must make a good faith effort to obtain the social security number of the respondent prior to the hearing, and, if unsuccessful, be prepared to describe to the Court reason for the unavailability of the respondent’s social security number.

(b) Every petitioner to a child support petition shall provide the social security number of the child(ren) at issue. If the child(ren) have not yet been assigned a social security number, the petitioner must apply for social security numbers for the children and make a good faith effort to have the child(ren)’s social security number(s) available prior to the entry of the Court’s order.

Del. Fam. Ct. R. Civ. P. 301

Amended eff. November 8, 2013.