Rule 75 – Certification of questions of law to the Supreme Court

May 15, 2021 | Civil Procedure, Civil Procedure Superior Court, Delaware

Certification of questions of law shall be governed by Supreme Court Rule 41. A party filing a petition requesting the Superior Court to certify a question of law of the Supreme Court shall set forth therein facts and issues at such length and with such clarity as to enable the Superior Court to make a finding necessary to warrant a certification under the terms and conditions of Supreme Court Rule 41. There shall be attached to such petition a proposed form of certification substantially in the form set forth in Official Form K of the Rules of the Supreme Court. In the event the Superior Court enters an order of certification, the petitioner shall file with the Prothonotary the copies necessary to conform to the requirements of Supreme Court Rule 41. The Prothonotary shall, within 5 days of the filing of such certification, file with the Clerk of the Supreme Court 6 certified copies thereof.

Del. R. Civ. P. Super. Ct. 75