
Family Law

Rule 20 – Form of Documents

(a)Caption. The first page of every document filed with the court must contain a caption. A caption details the county, state, parties, and title of the document. Fictitious names are allowed if a party’s name is unknown. When the party’s true name is discovered, the pleading must be amended accordingly.
(b)Document Format. Unless the court orders otherwise, all filed documents-other than a document submitted as an exhibit or attachment to a filing-must be prepared as follows:

(1)Text and Background. The text of every document must be black on a plain white background. All documents filed must be single-sided.
(2)Type Size and Font. Every typed document must use at least a 13-point type size. The court prefers proportionally spaced serif fonts, such as Times New Roman, Bookman, Century, Garamond, or Book Antiqua, and discourages monospaced or sans serif fonts such as Arial, Helvetica, Courier, or Calibri. Footnotes must be in at least a 13-point type size and must not appear in the space required for the bottom margin.
(3)Page Size. Each page of a document must be 8 ½ by 11 inches.
(4)Margins and Page Numbers. Margins must be set as follows: a margin at the top of the first page of not less than 2 inches; a margin at the top of each subsequent page of not less than 1-1/2 inches; a left-hand margin of not less than 1 inch; a right-hand margin of not less than 1/2 inch; and a margin at the bottom of each page of not less than 1/2 inch. Except for the first page, the bottom margin must include a page number.
(5)Handwritten Documents. Handwritten documents must be legible.
(6)Line Spacing. Typed text must be double-spaced.
(7)Originals . Unless filing electronically or when including attachments, only originals may be filed.
(8)Court Forms. Printed forms provided by the court or a court-authorized vendor may deviate from the requirements of this rule, but they must be single-sided. Forms provided by the superior court, the Supreme Court, or a court-authorized vendor are deemed to meet the requirements of this rule.
(c)Electronically Filed Documents.


(A)File Type. A document filed electronically that contains text, other than a scanned document image that is submitted under this rule, must be in a text-searchable .pdf, .odt, or .docx format, or other format permitted by Administrative Order. A text-searchable .pdf format is preferred. A proposed order must be in a format that permits it to be modified, such as .odt or .docx or other format permitted by Administrative Order, and must not be password protected.
(B)File Size. A document may not exceed the file size limits allowed by the court’s electronic filing portal, but it may be broken up into multiple files to accommodate such a limit.
(2)Format of Attachments.

(A)Generally. An attachment to an electronically filed document also may be filed electronically if it is attached to the same submission as either a scanned image or an electronic copy using an approved file type and format.
(B)Official Records. A scanned copy of an official record of a court or government body may be filed electronically if it contains the court’s or body’s official seal of authority or its equivalent.
(C)Notarized Documents. A scanned copy of a notarized document may be filed electronically if it contains the notary’s signature and stamp or seal.
(D)Certified Mail, Return Receipt Card. When establishing proof of service by a form of mail that requires a signed and returned receipt, the return receipt may be filed electronically if both sides of the return receipt card are scanned and filed.
(E)National Courier Service. When establishing proof of service by a national courier service, the receipt for such service may be filed electronically by scanning and filing the receipt.
(3)Bookmarks and Hyperlinks.

(A)Bookmarks. A bookmark is a linked reference to another page within the same document. An electronically filed document may include bookmarks. A document that is incapable of bookmarking may be made accessible by a hyperlink. The use of bookmarks is encouraged.
(B)Hyperlinks. A hyperlink is an electronic link in a document to another document or to a website. An electronically filed document may include hyperlinks. Material that is not in the official court record does not become part of the official record merely because it is made accessible by a hyperlink. The use of hyperlinks is encouraged.
(C)Originals. An electronically filed document (or a scanned copy of a document filed in hard copy) constitutes an “original” under Arizona Rule of Evidence 1002.

Ariz. R. Fam. Law. proc. 20

Added Oct. 19, 2005, effective Jan. 1, 2006; amended effectiveJan. 1, 2019.