Section 52-325c – Appeal

May 11, 2021 | Civil Procedure, Connecticut

(a) Any order entered as provided in subsection (b) of section 52-325b shall be deemed a final judgment for the purpose of appeal.
(b) No appeal shall be taken from such order except within seven days thereof. The effect of such order shall be automatically stayed for such seven-day period. If an appeal is taken within such seven-day period, the party taking such appeal may, within such period, file an application with the clerk of the court in which such order was issued, requesting a stay of the effect of such order pending such appeal, which application shall set forth the reasons for such request. A copy of such application shall be sent to the adverse party by the applicant. Upon the filing of such application, the effect of such order shall be further stayed until a decision is rendered thereon. A hearing on such application shall be held promptly. Such order shall be stayed if the party taking such appeal posts a bond, as provided in subsection (c) of this section.
(c) Upon the hearing on such application, the court shall:

(1) Upon motion of the party taking the appeal set an amount of bond with surety for the stay of such order as provided in subsection (b) of this section, which amount shall be as the court deems sufficient to indemnify the adverse party for any damages which may result from the stay. If the party taking the appeal gives such bond the order shall be stayed; or
(2) grant the stay; or
(3) deny the stay; or
(4) condition the granting of the stay upon the giving of such a bond.
(d) Any order of discharge or any order of any stay shall take effect upon recording of a certified copy thereof in the office of the town clerk in which such notice of lis pendens was recorded. The clerk of the court in which any such order is issued shall not deliver any certified copies thereof until the time for taking an appeal has elapsed or, if an appeal is taken and an application for a stay of such order is filed, until such time as a decision granting or denying such stay has been rendered.
(e) When a certified copy of such order of discharge of notice of lis pendens has been recorded, such discharged notice of lis pendens shall not be deemed to constitute constructive notice of the claim of the party recording such notice to any third party who acquires his interest in the particular property either before or after the recording of such discharge.

Conn. Gen. Stat. ยง 52-325c

(P.A. 81-8, S. 4, 9.)

Cited. 189 Conn. 471; 209 Conn. 15; 217 C. 24. Cited. 10 CA 166; 18 CA 16; 36 Conn.App. 206; Id., 469; 41 Conn.App. 737; 42 CA 617; 45 Conn.App. 324. Cited. 39 Conn.Supp. 195. Effect of notice of lis pendens distinguished from effect of prejudgment attachment; constitutionality discussed. 42 Conn.Supp. 241.