Section 52-350b – Applicability

May 11, 2021 | Civil Procedure, Connecticut

(a) Sections 49-51, 52-350a, 52-350c to 52-350f, inclusive, 52-351a, 52-351b, 52-352a, 52-352b, 52-353, 52-355a, 52-356a to 52-356d, inclusive, 52-361a, 52-361b, 52-380a, 52-380d to 52-380g, inclusive, and 52-400a to 52-400d, inclusive, as amended or enacted by sections 1 to 27, inclusive, of public act 83-581 apply to all postjudgment proceedings commenced on or after July 14, 1983. Said sections do not invalidate or otherwise affect any lien, property execution or wage execution outstanding on July 14, 1983. A postjudgment proceeding commenced prior to July 14, 1983, is governed by the law in effect when the proceeding was commenced.
(b) Any execution against earnings issued pursuant to section 52-361 prior to July 14, 1983, which has not been satisfied, otherwise valid except for lack of adequate notice, is validated, subject to the right of the judgment debtor to claim an exemption or seek a modification pursuant to section 52-361b.

Conn. Gen. Stat. ยง 52-350b

(P.A. 83-581, S. 28, 40; 83-587, S. 68, 96; P.A. 84-226, S. 1, 2.)

Cited 1 CA 291; 33 Conn.App. 359.