Rule 6.1 – Filing

May 11, 2021 | Civil Procedure, Georgia

In civil actions every motion made prior to trial, except those consented to by all parties, when filed shall include or be accompanied by citations of supporting authorities and, where allegations of unstipulated fact are relied upon, supporting affidavits, or citations to evidentiary materials of record. In circuits utilizing an individual assignment system, the clerk shall promptly upon filing furnish a copy provided by the attorney or party of such motions and related materials to the assigned judge or the judge’s designee. When an attorney or party e-files a motion or any response, the attorney or party shall notify the opposing parties and the assigned judge or the judge’s designee by e-mail of the motion or response contemporaneously but no later than 24 hours after e-filing.

Ga. R. Sup. Ct. 6.1

Amended effective July 2, 2020.