Rule 7.1 – Civil

May 11, 2021 | Civil Procedure, Georgia

The assigned judge may set pre trial conferences sua sponte or upon motion. In scheduling actions for pre trial conferences the court shall give consideration to the nature of the action, its complexity and the reasonable time requirements for preparation for pre trial. In the event a pre trial conference is ordered, the following shall apply.

A calendar will be published or a written order issued specifying the time and place for the pre trial conference. The court will consider the issues stated in Rule 16 of the Civil Practice Act (O.C.G.A. ยง 9-11-16) among others. Subject to the provisions of Rule 17, the pre trial hearing shall be attended by the attorneys who will actually try the action; with the consent of the court, another attorney of record in the action may attend if authorized to define the issues and enter into stipulations. At the commencement of the pre trial conference, or prior thereto upon written order of the court, counsel for each party shall present to the court a written proposed pre trial order in substantially the form required by the rules. Failure of counsel to appear at the pre trial conference without legal excuse or to present a proposed pre trial order shall authorize the court to remove the action from any trial calendar, enter such pre trial order as the court shall deem appropriate, or impose any other appropriate sanction, except dismissal of the action with prejudice.

Ga. R. Sup. Ct. 7.1