Section 46b-425 – Severability

If any provision of sections 46b-301 to 46b-425, inclusive, or their application to any person or circumstance is held invalid, the invalidity does not affect other provisions or applications of sections 46b-301 to 46b-425, inclusive, which can be given effect without...

Section 46b-424 – Transitional provision

Sections 46b-301 to 46b-425, inclusive, apply to proceedings begun on or after July 1, 2015, to establish a support order or determine parentage of a child or to register, recognize, enforce or modify a prior support order, determination, or agreement, whenever issued...

Section 46b-417 – Conditions of rendition

(a) Before making a demand that the governor of another state surrender an individual charged criminally in this state with having failed to provide for the support of an obligee, the governor of this state may require a prosecutor of this state to demonstrate that at...

Section 46b-416 – Grounds for rendition

(a) For purposes of this section and section 46b-417, “governor” includes an individual performing the functions of governor or the executive authority of a state covered by sections 46b-301 to 46b-425, inclusive.(b) The governor of this state may (1)...