Section 46b-130 – (Formerly Sec. 51-311). Reimbursement for expense of care and maintenance. Assignment of right of support to Commissioner of Children and Families. Parents’ assistance in pursuing support

The parents of a minor child for whom care or support of any kind has been provided under the provisions of this chapter shall be liable to reimburse the state for such care or support to the same extent, and under the same terms and conditions, as are the parents of...

Section 46b-129b – Filing of petition for adoption and written agreement of adoption by Commissioner of Children and Families. Review of adoption social study and other reports. Hearing. Adoptive parents entitled to receive copies of records and other information re history of child. Applicability of probate court provisions

(a) If the Superior Court grants a petition to terminate parental rights and appoints the Commissioner of Children and Families as statutory parent, the commissioner may, after the expiration of any appeal or appeal period, file a petition for adoption, together with...