Section 46b-129 – (Formerly Sec. 51-310). Commitment of child or youth. Petition for neglected, uncared for or abused child or youth. Hearing re temporary custody, order to appear or petition. Review of permanency plan. Cost of care and maintenance of child or youth; reimbursement. Revocation of commitment. Legal guardianships and permanent legal guardianships. Applicability of provisions re placement of child from another state and Interstate Compact on the Placement of Children

(a) Any selectman, town manager, or town, city or borough welfare department, any probation officer, or the Commissioner of Social Services, the Commissioner of Children and Families or any child-caring institution or agency approved by the Commissioner of Children...

Section 46b-127 – (Formerly Sec. 51-308). Transfer of child charged with a felony to the regular criminal docket. Transfer of youth aged sixteen or seventeen to docket for juvenile matters

(a)(1) The court shall automatically transfer from the docket for juvenile matters to the regular criminal docket of the Superior Court the case of any child charged with the commission of a capital felony under the provisions of section 53a-54b in effect prior to...