Rule 510 – Overpayments

(a) Credit in the context of an ongoing support obligation. Whenever a net account credit arises in favor of the obligated parent, the arrears balance should be set at zero and:(1) Current support shall be deferred for the period of time necessary to exhaust the...

Rule 509 – Retroactive support

(a) Retroactive support in a new support action shall be presumed at 6 months prior to the date of filing. The burden of proof shall be on the party seeking greater or lesser retroactivity. Retroactivity shall not exceed 24 months prior to the date of filing.(b)...

Rule 508 – Modification

Any petition for child support modification filed within two and one-half years of the last determination of current support must allege with particularity a substantial change of circumstances not caused by the petitioner’s voluntary or wrongful conduct except...

Rule 507 – Medical Support

(a) Available, affordable and accessible health insurance. — One or both parents shall be ordered to acquire private health insurance when it is available through employment, reasonable in cost and accessible to the child. Whether health insurance available to a...