Rule 208 – Notice to Foster Caregivers

Notice of any proceeding and of the opportunity to be heard at any proceeding shall be provided to current foster parent(s), pre-adoptive parent(s), or relative caregiver(s) of the child by DSCYF. This notice and the right to be heard shall not be construed to entitle...

Rule 206 – Appointment of Counsel for the Parent

(a) A parent, determined by the Court to be indigent, may have counsel appointed by the Court during the parent’s initial appearance on a petition, or at such other time as deemed appropriate by the Court. (b) In considering the appointment of counsel, the Court...

Rule 205 – Notice to Parents of Right to Counsel

(a) At the time of service of process on a parent by personal service, the parent shall be notified in writing that if the parent is unable to afford counsel and wishes to have counsel represent him/her in this action, the parent shall complete an application for the...

Rule 204 – Commencement of Action

(a) DSCYF custody proceedings shall be commenced by: (1) DSCYF filing in this Court a written petition setting forth the facts verified by affidavit in accordance with 13 Del. C. , Ch. 25;(2) A verbal request by DSCYF for an emergency ex parte Order for custody of a...

Rule 203 – Scheduling of Subsequent Proceedings

At or before the conclusion of each hearing a subsequent hearing date shall be set if possible and necessary. Mailed notice is not required when notice of the next hearing date is contained in an order of the Court or actual notice is given to the parties at the...