Rule 4.8 – To notify of related cases

At any time an attorney is counsel in any action which the attorney knows is or may be related to another action either previously or presently pending in and assigned to a particular judge of a superior court in the same circuit involving some or all of the same...

Rule 4.7 – To utilize assigned judge

Attorneys shall not present to any judge any matter or issue in any action which has been assigned to another judge, except under the most compelling circumstances. In that event, any attorney doing so shall first advise the judge to whom the matter is presented that...

Rule 4.6 – To notify of representation

In any matter pending in a superior court, promptly upon agreeing to represent any client, the new attorney shall notify the appropriate calendar clerk in writing (and, in criminal actions, the district attorney; and, in civil actions the opposing attorney(s)) of the...

Rule 4.4 – Admission Pro Hac Vice

A. Definitions 1.a. A “Domestic Lawyer” is a person not admitted to practice law in this state but who is admitted in another state or territory of the United States or the District of Columbia and not disbarred or suspended from practice in any...