Rule 4.3 – Withdrawal

(1) An attorney appearing of record in any matter pending in any superior court, who wishes to withdraw as counsel for any party, shall submit a written request to an appropriate judge of the court for an order permitting such withdrawal. The request shall state that...

Rule 4.2 – Entry of appearance and pleadings

No attorney shall appear in that capacity before a superior court until the attorney has entered an appearance by filing a signed entry of appearance form or by filing a signed pleading in a pending action. An entry of appearance and all pleadings shall state:(1) the...

Rule 3.4 – Local authority

The method ofassignment and the procedures necessary for an orderly transition from one calendaring system to another shall be established by each multi-judge circuit. All such systems shall be adequately published to the local bar; copies shall be filed with the...

Rule 3.2 – Companion and related actions

When practical, all actions involving substantially the same parties, or substantially the same subject matter, or substantially the same factual issues, whether pending simultaneously or not, shall be assigned to the same judge. Whenever such action is refiled, or a...