Rule 5 – Proceedings Following Arrest

(a)In general. (1) UPON ARREST. An officer making an arrest under a warrant shall take the arrested person without unnecessary delay before the court having jurisdiction, or, for the purpose of admission to bail, before any judge or officer authorized by law to admit...


(a)Form. An application for the issuance of a warrant of arrest may be in the form of : (1) declaration(s); (2) affidavit(s); (3) an information supported by declaration(s) or affidavit(s); or (4) a complaint supported by declaration(s) or affidavit(s). The...

Rule 2.1 – Classification of Proceedings

All criminal proceedings shall be divided into the following classes: Traffic, Criminal Traffic, Criminal, Family Criminal, Special Proceeding, and Special Proceeding – Prisoner. Proceedings in mandamus, habeas corpus, quo warranto, prohibition, and any other...