Rule 19.02 – Form

Subd. 1. Warrant. The warrant must: (a) be signed by a judge;(b) contain the defendant’s name or, if unknown, any name or description by which the defendant can be identified with reasonable certainty;(c) describe the offense charged; and(d) command the...

Rule 19.01 – Issuance

On the filing of an indictment, the court must issue a warrant for the arrest of each defendant named in the indictment, except that the court may issue a summons instead of a warrant when the prosecutor requests or the court directs, or if the defendant is a...

Rule 18.08 – Tenure and Excusal

Subd. 1. Tenure. A grand jury must be drawn for a specified period of service, not to exceed 12 months, as designated by court order. The grand jury must not be discharged, and its powers must continue until the latest of the following: (a) the period of service is...

Rule 18.07 – Secrecy of Proceedings

Every grand juror and every qualified interpreter for a grand juror with a sensory disability present during deliberations or voting must keep secret whatever that juror or any other juror has said during deliberations and how that juror or any other juror voted....