Rule 18.04 – Record of Proceedings

Subd. 1. Verbatim Record. A verbatim record must be made of all statements made, evidence taken, and events occurring before the grand jury except deliberations and voting. The record must not include any grand juror’s name. The record may be disclosed only to...

Rule 18.03 – Who May Be Present

Prosecutors, the witness under examination, qualified interpreters for witnesses disabled in communication, or for jurors with a sensory disability, and for the purpose of recording the evidence, a reporter or operator of a recording instrument may be present while...

Rule 18.02 – Organization of Grand Jury

Subd. 1. Members; Quorum. A grand jury consists of not more than 23 nor fewer than 16 persons, and must not proceed unless at least 16 members are present.Subd. 2. Organization and Proceedings. The grand jury must be organized and its proceedings conducted as provided...

Rule 18.01 – Summoning Grand Juries

Subd. 1. When Summoned. The court must order that one or more grand juries be drawn at least annually. The grand jury must be summoned and convened whenever required by the public interest, or whenever requested by the county attorney. On being drawn, each juror must...