Rule 85.06 – How Directed and Executed

Writs of attachment shall be directed to “any sheriff in the State of Missouri” and may be executed in any county by the sheriff of that county. More than one writ of attachment may be outstanding at the same time.Mo. R. Civ. P. 85.06Adopted June 10, 1980,...

Rule 85.05 – Form of Writ of Attachment

A writ of attachment shall be in the following form: Whereas, AB has on the ________ day of ________, 19___, obtained a writ of attachment against CD, you are commanded to execute this writ by attaching the property of CD or as much thereof as will be sufficient to...

Rule 85.02 – Availability of Attachment

After the commencement of a civil action a party who presents therein a claim by petition, counterclaim, cross-claim or third-party petition may obtain a writ of attachment upon compliance with this Rule 85.Mo. R. Civ. P. 85.02Adopted June 10, 1980, eff. Jan. 1,...

Rule 85.01 – Definitions

As used in this Rule 85 “claimant” means the party seeking the attachment, “owner” means the party against whose property the attachment is sought, and “nonowner” means a nonowner from whose possession the property is taken.Mo. R....