Rule 4.3 – Open Hearings Pilot Project

Other than in those counties in which the legislature has adopted a presumption of open hearings, hearings under RSA 169-C are closed to the public. In those counties in which hearings under this chapter are presumed open, parties to the action must inform the court...

Rule 4.2 – Attendance of Non-Parties

Any party wishing to bring other persons to hearings held in RSA 169-C cases shall first obtain permission of the Court, either by written motion in advance of the hearing, or upon oral motion at the beginning of the hearing. Such other persons will not be allowed...

Rule 3.12 – Withdrawal of Appointed Counsel

In Juvenile Delinquency matters brought pursuant to RSA 169-B, if appointed counsel must withdraw due to a conflict of interest as defined by Rules 1.7(a), 1.9(a) and (b) and/or 1.10(a), (b) and (c) of the New Hampshire Rules of Professional Conduct, counsel shall...