Rule 3:25 – Dismissal

Rule 3:25-1. Upon Motion of the Prosecutor Before or During Trial(a) Pre-indictment. A complaint may be administratively dismissed by the prosecutor without presentation to the grand jury in which event said prosecutor shall report the dismissal and the basis therefor...

Rule 3:22 – Post-conviction Relief

Rule 3:22-1. Petition for ReliefAny person convicted of a crime may, pursuant to this rule, file with the criminal division manager’s office of the county in which the conviction took place a petition for post-conviction relief captioned in the action in which...

Rule 3:20 – New Trial

Rule 3:20-1. Trial by Court or JuryThe trial judge on defendant’s motion may grant the defendant a new trial if required in the interest of justice. If trial was by the judge without a jury, the judge may, on defendant’s motion for a new trial, vacate the...