Rule 4:41 – References

Rule 4:41-1. ReferenceThe reference for the hearing of a matter by a judge of the Superior Court shall be made to a master only upon approval by the Assignment Judge, and then only when all parties consent or under extraordinary circumstances. The order of reference...

Rule 5:22 – Referral to Other Courts

Rule 5:22-1. Referral at Election of JuvenileAny competent juvenile 14 years of age or older charged with delinquency may elect to have the action transferred to the appropriate court and prosecuting authority having jurisdiction. Any competent juvenile under 14 years...

Rule 5:21A – Juvenile plea form

A juvenile’s plea of guilty is subject to the requirements of Rule 3:9-2. Before accepting a plea of guilty, the court shall require a juvenile to complete, insofar as applicable, and sign the appropriate plea form prescribed by the Administrative Director of...

Rule 4:40 – Motion for Judgment

Rule 4:40-1. Motion for Judgment at TrialA motion for judgment, stating specifically the grounds therefor, may be made by a party either at the close of all the evidence or at the close of the evidence offered by an opponent. If the motion is made prior to the close...